Friday, January 3, 2014


I will be talking to Minister Dr. Cornelius de Weever about many issues going on with the St Maarten health system in general. Dr Neville de Weever has some very good questions and insights, so at some point I'll talk to him too. I'm not really pro-socialism, although I can see where it can help those who have less. I'm not about the Government taking care o our people, I want the Government to help the people take care o themselves. But it's very hard to take care o yoursel when you do have a disability, illness or other health issue that may impede you, and your ability to work.
This blog is about regular St Maarten health updates, but we will also tackle social issues.  Honorable Minister Dr Cornelius de Weever is a newer person in St Maarten politics, he still has the ability to begin his political legacy, lets see i he's the one who does something good or St Maarten Healthcare.